颜色篇 (一小时)一.热身游戏贴膏药,揪尾巴二. 课堂指令的学习⑴ 当老师说 OK? 时要求学生回答 OK! 并加手势 反复大声练习几次⑵ Who wants to try? ----- Let me try! 反复大声练习几次⑶ up ,down Stand up ! Sit down! 反复操练几次后学习儿歌Left, left, right, right, up and dowLeft, left, right, right, turning around;Left, left, right, right, jump, jump, jumLeft, left, right, right, we are strong.
三. 问候: Hello, hi , how are you 手偶模仿表演 :Hello, hello, how are you? Fine, fine, fine, thank youHello,hello, how are you ? Oh, oh, just so so.
Hello,hello, how are you ? No, no, Im terrible.
四: 认颜色: red yellow blue green拿出颜色卡片逐次认识,让学生跟读.
小游戏: 将卡片放在地上,让两个学生根据老师说出的单词,以最快速度拍击相应的颜色卡片,并大声读出来. 胜者发小奖品. 玩两到三组. 不能决出胜负者用 rock paper sci ors老师提问:What color is it?
学生回答:Its (回答时击打卡片.one by one)歌: lets learn a tongue twister.
Red, red, touch your head;Blue, blue, tie your shoesYellow, yellow, draw a circle;Green, green, stamp your foot.
复习一遍单词Game: cow boy.
五.Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? Brother John? Brother John?
Morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing, ding ,ding dong, ding, ding dong
★ 幼儿园小班英语优秀教案《White and black》