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发表时间:2013-10-24 收藏 投稿

  • 三只小猪学英语 20

三只小猪学英语 20

  • -Children,let’s go to the zoo.

    -Wonderful! Let’s go!

    -Look! This is the zoo.

    -Let’s see the animals!


    -Are they thin?

    -No,they aren’t.

    -Are they fat?

    -Yes,they are fat.

    -I’m fat too.Ha,ha,ha!

    -Oh,an elephant!

    -Is it small?

    -No,it isn’t. It’s big.

    -Yes,that’s right.

    -Look,there is a snake.Is it short?

    -No,it isn’t. It is long.

    -What are they?

    -They’re giraffes.

    -Are they short?

    -No,they aren’t. They’re tall!

    -That’s right.

    -These balloons are for you.

    -Wow! I like them.

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